ornamentals cultivated and encouraged as pragmatic companions to food and forage crops

In addition to our fascination and wonder, these blooms attract beneficial insects to assist in the pollination and pest management of our food crops.

These ornamentals add beauty and texture to our garden landscape and CSA boxes while increasing our farm’s biological diversity- providing yet another opportunity for regeneration and sustainability.

unique individual arrangements for 2024 CSA shareholders

Although they were previously included as special favors for previous CSA memberships, this season we are offering personally-designed weekly, biweekly, and monthly ornamental arrangements as optional add-ons to accompany CSA produce deliveries.

Naturally grown, without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or other harmful chemicals. Treat your family to regular ethical decor, locally sourced, that contributes to and honors the land’s biodiversity and natural fertility.

Volunteer blooms of wild umbel flowers, purple ironweed, goldenrod, black-eyed susans, phlox, daisies, bergamot, blue indigo, yarrow, ornamental grasses, and more.

Cultivated varieties of cosmos, sunflowers, zinnias, amaranth, dahlias, celosia, bachelor’s button, asters, snapdragons, baby’s breath, tithonia, peonies, marigolds, coreopsis, etc.

Despite the change to our CSA model, we hope that CSA shareholders will continue to brighten their spaces with our beautiful, fragrant, seasonal blooms delivered fresh and direct from the gardens, fields, and woodlands of Morckel Meadows.

commissioned small events

Possessing an authentic, natural eye for earthy aesthetics, Erin has on occasion arranged flowers for small-scale events like bridal showers, dinners, and small weddings. As our flower production continues to evolve and improve in both quality and efficiency, we look forward to diversifying our ornamental offerings to include more small events, u-pick, and perhaps even small workshops here on the farm.

If you are interested in commissioning floral arrangements for an event in 2024, inquire below to begin the discussion as to whether or not we would be good fit.



