Membership Agreement

The proceeding paragraphs detail our membership plan for the 2025 growing season. This is a contract between the farm and its shareholders. In exchange for seed funding at the start of the year, we will provide weekly produce to our shareholders for 20 weeks starting as early as possible in the month of May, with a week break in the month of June. It is critical that potential shareholders read through this document and communicate their specific confusions and/or reluctancies before agreeing and committing to the 2025 season.

We can only truly, formally, or officially guarantee maximum effort in planning, implementing, harvesting, & delivering the fruits of our production. Our membership is ideal for those consumers who want to be directly involved in the successes and failures of small scale organic agriculture. This being the case, when a shareholder acquires a share, they are accepting an atypical amount of risk as direct, literal shareholders of the farm’s seasonal successes and failures. Together, we will coordinate to fund, produce, and harvest top-quality, respectfully grown food products for ourselves and our families.

By agreeing to this contract, the consumer is officially a shareholder of the Morckel Meadows 2024 CSA/Farm Share Program. This indicates the following declaration on behalf of the shareholder: “I have committed to assist in financing crop production at Morckel Meadows and share the 2025 summer harvest; I have read and understand the policy information, I agree to pick up my produce on the designated dates and times; and I understand that my produce will be donated if I fail to pick it up or make arrangements otherwise.” Families are eligible for 2025 memberships once they have officially agreed to the terms of the agreement. By completing your up-front investment/payment, you will become a shareholder of the Morckel Meadows 2025 CSA/Farm Share Program. Shareholders will be returned weekly boxes of fresh and local produce at their designated rendezvous points. Refunds cannot be given for any reason once the contract has been agreed to, though full transfers of memberships, initiated by the present shareholder, may be negotiated. If throughout the harvest season, the membership family is unsatisfied with their share, we ask that the shareholders proactively communicate their concerns so that the farmer can do all that is possible to remedy the situation. Mother Nature will undoubtedly present obstacles including problematic weather (i.e. tornadoes), disease, pests, and other natural difficulties. While it is the responsibility of the farmer to address and confront these issues, as a result, shares can vary in size, quality, and value week by week. In this scenario, the farmer cannot guarantee 100% crop success and the shareholder must be willing to accept the possibility of crop failure. It is not unexpected for Spring/Early Summer shares to be smaller in abundance, with bounties increasing as growing conditions improve and harvest times become more ideal in the Summer. This is predicted and reflected by the tentative harvest schedule. Produce included in a weekly box will contain only products from Morckel Meadows and on rare occasions, other proximate, like-minded growers.